Fr. Tim has shared with us that our word “liturgy” comes from a Greek word that means “the work of the people.” This means that when we celebrate the liturgy, the people have a very important role! Without the people present, a liturgy simply cannot happen. This is why it is important that each of us take some time to discern our gifts and participate in liturgical ministries that enhance our worship and demonstrate the work of the people in action! This means we are hopeful you will discern a call to participate in (and perhaps even lead!) liturgical ministries as we continue to use the work of the people to glorify God. St. John’s is in search of liturgical ministers, including people who are called to lead, train, and mentor liturgical ministry teams.

There are many ways to serve, and each of the following teams is in need of leadership. As a member of the altar guild, you are empowered to make decisions pertaining to caring for the sacred vessels and worship space. As a lector, you are empowered to lead the congregation in worship during the liturgy of the word. As a Eucharistic minister, you are empowered to distribute the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ to the people present. As a lay server (acolyte), you are empowered to assist the clergy with leading worship and making on-the-spot decisions that become necessary. As a member of the choir, you are empowered to help lead the congregation in singing as we pray together. Most importantly, as a baptized Christian, you are empowered to function as a minister in the Church of God.

Do you have gifts and talents that are useful in these areas? We are certain that the answer is yes. It isn’t a matter of whether you are called to liturgical ministry, but where you are called to liturgical ministry. The minimum age to serve as a Eucharistic minister is 16, but there is no minimum age for other liturgical ministries. Parishioners of all ages, including children who are able to read aloud, are welcome (and in fact encouraged!) to serve as lectors, lay assistants, choir members, and altar guild members. Contact the office to sign up to serve as a liturgical minister. Contact Fr. Tim if you would like to discuss leading one of our ministry teams. Training and refresher conversations will be scheduled soon.

You are the Body of Christ. You are called to serve. You are empowered to do the work you are called to do. The only question that remains: Are you willing to say yes? 

Liturgy Ministry