Our Book of Common Prayer teaches us that all baptized persons are the ministers in the Church of God. This means when you are a member at St. John’s, YOU are a minister! There are many ways to live into our theology of ministry at St. John’s. The best way to do this is to come spend some time with us and see where your gifts and talents will come in handy. Discernment for ministry requires us to do something that we can do well that also brings us joy and fulfillment. We give of ourselves because we gain so much in return.

St. John’s has 30 active ministry teams! To name a few, these include Altar Guild, Lectors, Acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers, Bread Bakers, Ushers, Crafters and Quilters, the Daughters of the King, Faith Through the Arts, a Food Pantry, Men’s Fellowship, Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup, our Land Use Task Force, Hospitality, our St. John’s Closet Thrift Shop, and our Veterans’ Ministry. Borderlands POWWOW (Produce on Wheels Without Waste) provides low-cost produce to hundreds of families every month at a nominal cost. We also host scouts and AA Groups. Through these teams and more, we live into our identity as The Church that Serves.

To request more information about joining a ministry team, please email us at [email protected] or call 623-582-5449. You are welcome here and we want you to be a minister of God with us!