Welcome to the Online Chapel of the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist. We prayerfully offer this page for the use of all who visit here as a resource for Scripture reading, devotions, reflection, and prayer requests. We are also pleased to provide a number of links to Episcopal and other Church resources. As this is among our newest and more exciting online endeavors, we ask you to please pray for us and with us as we actively add more and more resources for the benefit of all who visit here. "This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." (John 17:3, NRSV)

RSS Daily Devotion (Forward Day By Day)

  • Forward Day By Day - July 27, 2024
    The domestic violence center where I used to work was scrupulously secular (and rightly so because we served people of all religions, including those who said they had no religion). But our clients were welcome to talk to us about anything they liked, and we would listen. ....(View this reading and more resources for prayer […]

Daily Prayer - The Daily Office

The above link will bring you to the Daily Prayer page of Forward Movement, where it offers the most current Prayer Office keyed to our local time zone so that we can pray it in real time.