Our Vestry
In the Episcopal Church, the Vestry is a church leadership board. The Vestry is a decision-making body in the church. Along with the Rector, the Vestry helps to care for the building, the people, and the policies of the parish. Our vestry has nine members who are elected by the parishioners, a Senior Warden appointed by the Rector, and a Junior Warden, appointed by the elected members of the Vestry. Anyone age 16 and up can run for a spot on the Vestry. A Vestry member’s term is three years. Our Vestry also appoints a treasurer and a clerk.

Front row (From left): The Rev. Cn. Chuck Milhoan (deacon), Deb Jasinski, Nancy Young (clerk), Donna Anastazi (Senior Warden), Michelle Weaver (Administrator), the Rev. Mary Brooks (deacon), the Rev. Henry F. Orth (assisting priest).
Middle row: Marykay Nelson, Suzy Mortenson (treasurer), Marjorie Thompson, Leslie Mays.
Back row: The Rev. Timothy J. Yanni (rector), Frank Pastula, Robert Trotter, Jayden Jerome, Jimmy Diaz, Michael “Buz” Isban (Junior Warden)