What does your Christian faith mean to you? That is a good question for all of us to ponder from time to time. Why would we do that? Obviously our faith is important to us. After all, we go to
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
In the Book of Common Prayer, at the end of the Rite II Eucharistic liturgy on page 366, we have a rubric that tells us, “The Bishop when present, or the Priest, may bless the people. The Deacon, or the
Don’t Give up on your Dreams
Dear Friends, This morning I am writing to you from the Delta lounge at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Considering the time zone difference, I’m guessing many of you are not yet awake. I awoke this morning at around 5
Celebrating our Patron Saint
You have probably noticed by now that I am kind of a liturgical geek when it comes to the Book of Common Prayer. I enjoy reviewing the Prayer Book and looking at all the rubrics to see how they
Thoughts about Tears and Emotions
As part of my training to become a Board Certified Chaplain, I had to study a great deal about human emotion. As it turns out, Western culture is not very good about allowing people to express their emotions. This
Pastoral Reflection June 2, 2022
There is now, and always has been, a debate amongst Christians regarding the practice of the reception of Holy Communion. I find it very troubling that the very thing that is supposed to unite us as Christians is the same