Fr. Tim has shared with us that our word “liturgy” comes from a Greek word that means “the work of the people.” This means that when we celebrate the liturgy, the people have a very important role! Without the people
A Christmas Greeting From Father Tim Yanni
Pastoral Letter Concerning the Attacks on Israel by Hamas Terrorist

Dear St. John’s Community, I imagine that, like me, you are deeply saddened by the recent attacks against Israel. While the political climate in the Middle East is indeed complex, the attacks by the Hamas terrorist organization are totally and
2023 Sunday School Program Year Begins at St. John’s

St, John’s Sunday School program year started on September 10th with Fr. Tim giving the children a sneak preview of what the Gospel was about. They also practiced a song before the service. The children processed in with the clergy,
Program Year Kick Off, Sunday September 10, 2023

St. Johns kicked off the Program Year along with the offical kick off of the new NFL season. Fr Tim encouraged everyone to represent their favorite sports team by wearing a jersey, t-shirt or hat to service on Sunday. Surprisilngly
Pastoral Letter from The Rt. Rev Bishop Jennifer Reddall

The Right Reverend Jennifer A. ReddallBISHOP OF ARIZONAJune 12, 2023 Dear Siblings in Christ,“In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ.” – Galatians3:28The vows I took as
Pentecost Sunday and Memorial Day 2023 in True St. John’s Fashion

Sunday, May 28th was a busy day at St.John’s. Both services started with our Military Veterans Ministry honoring those, in all branches of the military, that sacrificed everything so that all may live in Freedom. Fr. Tim read the gospel
Palm Sunday 2023

Beautiful weather for Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week at St. John’s. Mother Marty and Fr. Tim blessed the palms on the north patio and the congregation processed around the church in rememberance of the day our Lord
Faith Through the Arts Workshop with Linda Pulinisi

Several members of the Faith Through The Arts Ministry participated in a Botanical Watercolors Workshop with artist Linda Pulinisi. “To capture the spirit of nature is the object of my art journey.” Linda said of her art, “The sparkling reflections
Men’s Fellowship Ministry’s Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and a Rite for Burning of Palms in Preparation for Ash Wednesday

On this beautiful evening, our Men’s Fellowship Ministry served up a delicous pancakes and sausages supper. Everyone got to splurge one last time before Lent begins with Fasting on Ash Wednesday. Everyone was able to eat their fill and enjoy