Thursday, November 10th, 2022 the day before Veterans Day, members of the Veteran’s Ministry, Fr. Tim, staff and many of the parishioners that volunteered at the Charity Golf Tournament on September 24, 2022 went to the Soldiers Best Friends facility in Peoria. There they met with Tamara Silva, Development Manager. John Klems presented her with a check that was enough to match a veteran in need of help and a dog in need of rescue. Channel10 Fox News was there to cover the event.

They also met Jeff and Tillie, a veteran and his beautiful Standard Poodle support dog. Jeff told his story of how he and Tillie came together and all the hard work they did to become the strong team they are today. He emphasized the consistency that was needed in their training to make sure Tillie is always aware of Jeff’s needs. Jeff told us, “She always has my back.”