St John’s Military Veteran’s Ministry is sponsoring our first “Paws for Vets” Golf Tournament at the Willowbrook Golf Course in Sun City, AZ on Saturday, September 24, 2022. Please join us for a morning of fun and friendly competion while supporting our veterans. All proceeds from this event will go towards providing a Service Dog or Therapeutic Companion Dog to a veteran through Soldier’s Best Friend.
“Touching 2 Lives at Once”

Soldier’s Best Friend provides U.S. military veterans living with combat-related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) with Service or Therapeutic Companion Dogs, most of which are rescued from local shelters. The veteran and dog train together to build a trusting relationship that saves two lives at once and inspires countless others. All this at no cost to eligible veterans. A trained service dog costs around $8,500. We are hoping to change a Vet’s life—or multiple lives—with this assistance.
Several years ago a gentleman stood up in church and spoke about veterans and what their service meant to him. He ended his talk by saying, “We may not know them…but we owe them”.
Saturday, September 24th at Williowbrook Golf Course, 10600 N. Boswell Blvd., Sun City AZ 85374
- Check in will begin at 6:30 am
- Shotgun start at 8:00 am
$65 Registration fee includes:
- Green fees for 18 holes of golf
- Golf cart
- Swag bag with raffle ticket and drink coupon
- Lunch
$250 For a team of 4 Registration
Additional Packages to purchase
- The Recruit $15
- Includes 2 mulligans and 3 raffle tickets
- The General $30 (for most General games all 4 players are required to participate)
- Includes 2 mulligans, 4 raffle tickets
- Tickets for 4 fun games
- “Puttin with the Padre”
- “String to the hole”
- “Ring of laundry
- Long Putt Competion
Willowbrook Golf Course,