A thank you to all the businesses who contributed Tee Signs and Raffle prizes to the success of our Paws for Vets golf tournament: Arrowhead Dentistry, Midas of Sun City, Today’s Patio, Liberty Mutual, Pohie EZ GO, Lunde’s Peoria Volkswagen, Preferred Physical Therapy, Ronnie’s Cafe, Arrowhead Legend Golf course, Cold Beer and Cheeseburgers, Safeway/Albertsons, Sprouts, Anastasi Fine Art, Burgers and Brew, Panda Express, Arizona Cardinals, Union Hills Golf and Country Club, Black Bear Diner, Zipps, Black Rock Coffee Bar, And Breathe, Jerry’s Golf Balls, Top Shelf, Phoenix Community Acupuncture, Home Depot, Starbucks, Phoenix Theatre Company, Van’s World Golf Shop, Eddie’s Diner, Tailgater’s Sports Bar, DogLicious Hot Dogs, Hero’s Pub and Grub, Valle Luna, The Place, Trader Joe’s, Hill and Usher Insurance and Surety, Firehouse Subs and Vitalant.

A thank you to individuals and St. John’s Ministries who donated money, items and tee signs as well. As you can see there were MANY who stepped up to help achieve our goal. I apologize for missing anyone or any group!! If you happen to frequent any of these businesses, please tell them thank you for supporting the “Paws For Vets” charity golf tournament, and let them know you are supporting them back! THANK YOU!
Ministry Contacts John Klems, Frank Pastula or Frank Perkins