This Sunday, our Godly Play class will meet in Chilton Hall Room 2 at 9:45 AM to hear “The Story of Abraham” with Miss Peggy. Youth Group will meet from 6 to 7:30 pm in Chilton Hall Room 6 to share pizza, discuss Noah and the Flood in Genesis, and play games. Please let me know if your student plans to attend the Lock-in for High Schoolers with PhLY in Ahwatukee on October 15-16, or the Lock-in for Middle or High Schoolers with the Diocese in Tucson on October 21-22.

This year, all our students are invited to participate in worship at the 10 am service when we have a Fifth Sunday of the month. Our first one will be on October 30. We will start planning for this service in the next few weeks. Let me know if your family will be at this service.
Ministry Contact Jennifer Roland, Director of Christian