Do you have personal heroes? It is very normal and human nature to look to others as examples of how we might choose to live our lives. When I was a kid, my heroes were mostly people who were
You Can be a Hero, too!

Do you have personal heroes? It is very normal and human nature to look to others as examples of how we might choose to live our lives. When I was a kid, my heroes were mostly people who were
Recently we have experienced passages of scripture together that are a bit uncomfortable to explore. Last Sunday, we heard the story from Luke’s gospel about the rich man who found himself in Hades, unable to repent of his bad
In the Old Testament, the Book of Psalms is a collection of writings that are prayed in prose or to music, acknowledging the grace of God for his people throughout the years. There are 150 psalms in the Book
In the days since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have become much more aware of things like hand washing and mask wearing in order to stay protected from contracting the coronavirus. Along with protecting us from COVID-19,
Have you ever heard of the doctrine of “Original Sin”? I’m guessing you probably have. I know I have. The theology of original sin was formed heavily by St. Augustine of Hippo, one of the doctors of the Church
Today marks six months since the day you called me as your Rector. Every day I wake up and I am so grateful to the Holy Spirit and to you for calling me to serve with you. I am
Earlier this week, we celebrated the Feast of Mary, the mother of Jesus. In some places, this feast day is known as the Assumption, following the belief that Mary did not die, but was assumed into heaven in both body and soul.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes a preacher will refer to the words they’re about to speak as a sermon, while other times that person might reference a homily? Are a sermon and a homily the same thing? In
I have a confession to make. This week was election week in Arizona and I did not vote. I’m sad to admit it, really. I take pride in exercising my right to vote and I encourage you to vote
While we always make sure to keep Bishop Jennifer in our prayers, this week we send out extra special prayers on her behalf as she joins hundreds of bishops from around the world to participate in the Lambeth Conference.