By the time you are reading this, you likely already know that Pope Benedict XVI died last week at the age of 95. Benedict was the spiritual leader of the world’s 1.3 billion Roman Catholics until he resigned the
Requiescat in pace Benedictus XVI

By the time you are reading this, you likely already know that Pope Benedict XVI died last week at the age of 95. Benedict was the spiritual leader of the world’s 1.3 billion Roman Catholics until he resigned the
Ever since I was a child, I was fascinated with the liturgies of the Church. This was especially true on the major feast days. Much to my parents’ chagrin, I always insisted on trying to attend the “high masses”
In the weeks leading up to Christmas, my thoughts frequently drift toward Mary, the mother of Jesus. There are a number of Marian feasts that take place during the month of December, and Christmas Day was the day that
About a week ago, I awoke with a tickle in the back of my throat. It didn’t feel like much and I suspected it was seasonal allergies or something like that. Because I was planning to come to the
When Thanksgiving is over, and Advent begins, Christmas trees start to go up, Christmas lights begin to twinkle, carols are played on the radio and in stores, and it seems like everyone is oh so joyful! Except, what if
We have reached the time of year when it is customary to offer thanks for all the blessings of this life and of all the wonderful gifts God has bestowed upon us. I am very thankful that God put me
It’s no secret to any of you that we just experienced a pretty intense midterm election. The gloves came off, the dust went flying, and now the dust is finally settling. Some of the most important political races in
Prior to becoming a parish priest, I spent a number of years as a hospital chaplain. I frequently interacted with people being treated for some of the most critical medical conditions imaginable. When someone receives a critical diagnosis, it
When we pray the liturgy together, how closely do you pay attention to the flow of the service? Do you notice subtle nuances as we gather together for prayer? Do changes from week to week catch you off guard?
One time when I was the presider at the Holy Eucharist, I noticed an inscription on the rim of the chalice I was using. The inscription read, “fides spes caritas”. For those of us who are not fluent in