Our Church Staff

Below is a list of our staff members. You may email members of our staff by sending a message to [email protected]. Office hours are Tuesday thru Thursday from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., except for national holidays

Parish Administrator

Michelle Weaver

Michelle Weaver serves as our Administrator and Finance Assistant. She comes to Arizona from Michigan, where a piece of her heart will always live. She loves baseball and Michigan’s athletics teams. She also has grown to love the Arizona Diamondbacks. She has a daughter, Nicolette, and a grandson, Caleb. She has experience in parish administration, finance, banking, and in the newspaper editorial room.


Dan Basche

Dan takes care of the grounds of the church including watering, trimming of bushes and trees, and cleaning the patio areas

Pianist and Organist

Hyeri Choi

Hyeri leads weekly rehearsal for the Chancel Choir and then directs the performance of the choir during the 10:00 a.m. service from September to May. During the summer months, she serves as pianist.

Director of Joyful Noise Choir and Praise Band

Jimmy Diaz

Jimmy leads weekly rehearsals for the Joyful Noise and Praise Bands, and directs the performance of each group once a month (Joyful Noise, first Sunday of the month; Praise Band, fifth Sunday of the month) during the 10:00 a.m. service.


Bob Hodson

Bob performs routine cleaning and general maintenance of our buildings with some assistance from volunteers

Nursery Supervisor

Maryjane Santamaria

As the Nursery Supervisor, Mary Jane works with church-certified volunteers to provide nursery care for children (infant to 3 years) from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The children are introduced to Jesus Christ through playtime, stories and videos.