Come hear St. John’s own, Bob Trotter as he presents his Talk and Slide Show on Curanderismo: Healing Through Faith, Prayer and Traditional Knowledge. Sponsored by the St. John’s Faith Through the Arts Mnistry.
Saturday, February 24, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall, At The Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist, 4102 W. Union Hills Dr Glendale, AZ 85308. ‘Niblbles and Sips’ will be served.
Bob Trotter (Robert T. Trotter, II) is a retired college professor (medical anthropologist) with 30 years of experience working with cross-cultural health programs. He is the author of several books and articles on Curanderismo (Mexican American faith-based healing traditions). He has extensive experience with ethnographic filmmaking, multimedia productions, and still photography focused on direct observation and participation in both conventional and traditional healing practices on the US-Mexico border and beyond. The FTTA display, “Curanderismo: Healing Through Faith, Prayer, and Traditional Knowledge” features still photography and accompanying narrative on some of the traditional healing practices taking place in Mexican American communities, with an emphasis on the importance of faith, prayer, and belief in all culturally relevant healing practices.