St, John’s Sunday School program year started on September 10th with Fr. Tim giving the children a sneak preview of what the Gospel was about. They also practiced a song before the service. The children processed in with the clergy, helped Fr. Tim move the liturgical clock, and joined Mother Marty at the altar for the Eucharistic prayer. We look forward to having the children participate even more every Sunday as acolytes, readers, ushers and more. Look for more information in the near future. Starting, this coming Sunday, September 17th, our Godly Play Sunday School program will begin for ages 4 years through 6th grade, at 9:15 to 9:55, in Room 2 of Chilton Hall.. The nursery for the younger kids will also be available at 9:15. All children are invited to process in with the clergy for the 10:00 service and sit with their families as close to the front as possible.