Funerals at St. John’s

“I am Resurrection and I am Life, says the Lord. Whoever has faith in me shall have life, even though he die.”

The liturgy for the dead is an Easter liturgy. It finds all meaning in the resurrection. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we too, shall be raised.  The liturgy, therefore, is characterized by joy, in the certainty that “neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  This joy, however, does not make human grief unchristian. The very love we have for each other in Christ brings deep sorrow when we are parted by death. Jesus himself wept at the grave of his friend. So, while we rejoice that one we love has entered into the nearer presence of our Lord, we sorrow in sympathy with those who mourn. Book of Common Prayer, p. 507


  • Notify the clergy as early as possible. Last rites – prayers and anointing of the dying – are administered by the Rector or another member of the clergy when possible, and it is desirable that members of the family and those closest to the deceased be present. 

  • The funeral service is best held in the church building, but may take place in a funeral parlor if the family so desires.

  • A meeting with the Rector should take place early in the planning process. Music and readings from Scripture are picked by the family the clergy as outlined in the section entitled The Burial of the Dead, found on page 491 in The Book of Common Prayer.

  • Members of the family and friends of the deceased are encouraged to take part in the Service as readers, ushers, etc. 

  • It is desirable that the Holy Eucharist be part of the Burial Service, and that the coffin (as applicable) be brought into church before the committal.

  • Committal would normally follow the Service in a nearby cemetery. If cremation is preferred, the remains may be placed in church on a table near the Altar. Alternatively, cremation may take place after the Service.

  • A requested donation of $400 is customary to assist with cleaning expenses and building use.

  • Use of the Parish Hall and kitchen may be requested for an additional donation of $100.

  • It is customary to offer a stipend to the presider and the preacher for participating in the funeral. This stipend is at the family’s discretion.

  • If the parish musician’s services are requested, there is a $100 stipend to compensate the musician’s talents.

  • All music must be appropriate for a liturgical worship setting. Secular music may be used before or after a funeral liturgy.

Weddings at St. John’s

Holy Matrimony is a sacramental rite in the Episcopal Church. Our Book of Common Prayer tells us that Christian marriage is a solemn and public covenant between two persons in the presence of God (BCP p. 422). Canonically, at least one of the parties joining in matrimony must be a baptized Christian. There also must be at least two witnesses present, and the wedding must conform to all canons of the Church. Because St. John’s is located in Arizona, all weddings taking place at St. John’s must also conform to the policies of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona and the requirements set by Arizona state law.

During Matrimony, two persons enter into a lifelong union. The community joins together to affirm the grace that already exists between two persons. A priest (or bishop) then blesses the marriage of the newly married couple. Ideally, the wedding takes place during a service of Holy Eucharist. If at all possible, a wedding should take place during the principal Sunday service so that the community gathered can witness and affirm the conferring of the sacrament.

Couples wishing to have their wedding at St. John’s must contact the Parish Office at least six months before the desired date of the service. Requests for weddings within the six month window are approved at the sole discretion of the Rector.

For active parishioners in good standing, there is no fee for wedding services. However, it is customary to offer a stipend to the service’s presider and preacher at the couple’s discretion. It is also customary to offer a financial gift to the parish in honor of the occasion.

For those who are not active parishioners, we request a stipend of $1000 for the preacher and the presider, and a $400 donation to the parish to offset cleaning and building use expenses. If the parish musician is requested, then a $200 stipend is requested for compensation.

It is customary that the Rector presides at weddings at St. John’s. However, the Rector may, at the Rector’s discretion, authorize a different priest to preside and/or preach at a wedding service.

Canonically, a member of the Episcopal clergy may not perform a wedding unless the couple has participated in pre-marriage counseling. For couples who do not live nearby, they may choose to request to ask a local clergy person in good standing to provide the premarital counseling. It is customary to offer a stipend to the clergy person performing the counseling, and that clergy person must confirm to the presider that the counseling has taken place. Premarital counseling includes conversations about finances, family needs, and marriage within a Christian household. While no specific questions will be asked, couples are encouraged to have detailed conversations with their partners about sexual compatibility and political ideology. While the clergy person will not seek specific details about these topics, the couple will be asked if they have had conversations about these topics and reached consensus.

The Rector reserves the right to decline a wedding at St. John’s if the Rector comes to have strong reservations about the couple’s relationship or compatibility.

Wedding rehearsals are directed by the Rector and normally occur the day before a wedding. The wedding ceremony is rehearsed and those participating in the service rehearse their roles. It is customary for family and friends to serve as liturgical ministers, and they must participate in the rehearsal. At a minimum, the couple and their witnesses must be present at the rehearsal. The couple must bring the marriage license, the musician’s stipend, and other financial contributions at the time of the rehearsal. There is to be no consumption of alcoholic beverages prior to or during the rehearsal. If the Rector suspects that any participants are under the influence of alcohol during the rehearsal or the ceremony, then the Rector has the discretion to remove intoxicated participants from the ceremony or to cancel the wedding if deemed necessary.

All wedding ceremonies at St. John’s must conform to the guidelines established in the Book of Common Prayer. Information can be found on page 422 and 437. Same-sex and opposite-sex weddings may follow the guidelines from the publication entitled “I Will Bless You and You Will Be a Blessing” as authorized by General Convention of the Episcopal Church. The language of a wedding service may include Rite I, Rite II, or Enriching Our Worship. Please consult the Rector with specific requests.

Music during the service must be appropriate for a liturgical setting. Please consult with the Rector with special musical requests.

Photography and videography are permitted during the service, provided the photographer and videographer do not distract from the celebration of the service. The service may be broadcast over the Internet through the St. John’s social media accounts. Please ask for this service if you wish. Services broadcast online stay online indefinitely.

Flowers must be in good taste, and they must not interfere with the worship space. Please consult the Rector when considering floral purchases.