Social Media Policy

The landscape of Social Media is rapidly changing in our world. The use of Social Media can greatly impact the visibility of the wider Church and for St. John’s specifically. St. John’s uses Social Media platforms, and its members are encouraged to engage in the sharing of content intended to promote church functions, events, and ministries. This policy will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary. This document is intended to be a pastoral document and not a legally binding one.

“Social Media” is defined as the interactive computer mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. Simply, they are platforms and applications individuals and congregations use to

communicate information. At St. John’s, these include the parish website, social networks, text messages, online comments, digital photos and videos, and other data generated through online interactions with individuals or groups via mobile devices, desktop computers, websites or applications (Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, are just examples).

Guiding Beliefs

1. We believe our time together is dedicated to building relationships, establishing community, strengthening our faith and discovering Christ in one another.

2. We strive to embody these principles in thought, word and deed: Christ is present in all our gatherings (including virtual gatherings); respect is the cornerstone of our community; kindness is paramount.

3. We acknowledge that there is a time and place for technology, that our phones are important, that social media is ever-present in our lives, and that technology connects us to one another.

4. We endeavor to use technology in a way that does not keep us beholden to a device, does not distract us from our community, respects our time together, enables our hands to serve, captures the memories being made, and shares the good news of our gathering.

Use of Social Media Should at a Minimum:

1. Have healthy boundaries, and adhere the principles of Safe Church, Safe Communities training. When engaging in Social Media interaction with friends, peers, and clergy from St. John’s, healthy boundaries and appropriate content should always be exercised.

2. Participants are encouraged to be mindful of daytime hours for direct communication. With the exception of emergencies, communications that arrive by Social Media or email during nighttime hours should not expect a response until at least the next business day. For emergencies, telephone is the best way to receive a prompt response.

3. Digital communications are not confidential. If you don’t want it reprinted on the front page of the newspaper, then don’t share it on Social Media. Everything you post online is public and part of your witness. When representing St. John’s, always be mindful of this reality.

4. Do not post on Social Media under the influence of alcohol or any substance.

5. St. John’s only engages in Social Media platforms that can be archived or printed. As of 2025, these include Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Social media with disappearing media, such as Snapchat, will not be used by St. John’s.

6. Know your voice. The voice of clergy and lay leaders is often considered the voice of the church. Know your audience and your place when posting on Social Media. When representing a parishioner’s own views, that person should speak in first person. When speaking on behalf of the parish, those operating the St. John’s platforms speak in the voice of the church. Whenever making a post on Social Media, make sure you have permission from the Rector to post on behalf of the church or a specific ministry. Please ensure tone reflects the nature of the post.

7. People must be fully clothed and dressed appropriately in all photos posted on the St. John’s website or Social Medial platforms.

8. Those who post on behalf of St. John’s should monitor the pages. Posts should be relevant, stimulating, and community and spirituality focused. St. John’s is encouraged to engage with comments and questions received via Social Media, and its members are encouraged to respond and engage appropriately. Anything appearing on the St. John’s platforms that would not be acceptable to say during coffee hour at church will be removed. Please notify the office immediately if you notice any inappropriate content or comments that we may have missed.

9. Our worship services are very frequently posted online. St. John’s cannot limit who is shown on camera during these services.

10. Have fun and experiment with gentle, clean, respectable humor. Note that sarcasm is hard to “read” and may be misinterpreted.

Ten Commandments for Social Media Use With Youth

1. All youth communications should take place via youth group specific accounts. These accounts should not be used by people who are not part of the youth groups at St. John’s.

2. Adult parishioners should not solicit friend requests from parish youth on their personal accounts.

3. At a minimum, the Rector, the Parish Administrator, and two other adults who have completed Safe Church, Safe Communities training should have both the login information and passwords for all social media accounts. This protects adults as well as kids.

4. We use only Social Media platforms that can be archived or printed. As of 2025, these include Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Social media with disappearing media, such as Snapchat, will not be used by St. John’s.

5. Any youth events should include a photo release signed by the youth, their parents, and the youth leader. Photos of children or youth should not be posted without permission from the child’s or young person’s parent(s) or guardian(s).

6. With appropriate permission from parent(s) or guardian(s), posts may contain a young person’s first name. Last names should not be used, and youth should not be “tagged” in photos. Youth who have received parental or guardian consent may tag themselves in St. John’s photos, but not others.

7. Youth-focused events should not be geo-tagged until after the event is complete. This is to protect the safety of those in attendance.

8. Everyone must be fully clothed and dressed appropriately in all photos posted on Social Media.

9. When adults are communicating with young people by text message, they should always include a parent or another adult on the message.

10. Parishioners are encouraged to monitor the St. John’s Social Media pages and to notify the office of any inappropriate comments or posts immediately. We will make an effort to ensure our content is relevant and stimulating. We also will attempt to engage with all posts and edit comments when necessary. Inappropriate content will be deleted. When posting or commenting on a church site, use the “grandmother test.” Would you be ok with your grandmother reading the post? If so, then it’s probably ok.