Welcome! You are not a stranger. We encourage you to worship with us any day we have services. We center our worship on the service of Holy Communion in which we give our thanks to God and participate in an active event of praise. If you have any questions, our friendly parishioners will be glad to help. Please let us know if we can be of assistance with any special needs.

Postures in Church

During the worship, you’ll notice that different people do different things at different times. We believe that it is possible for people with diverse beliefs and practices to worship together. So, there’s no wrong way to do it. This is part of what makes the Episcopal Church special.

We hope you will feel comfortable participating in the worship service in whatever way that seems best for you today. You are free to cry and laugh, to doubt and to question, hold hands with your partner, or even sing off key.

Children are a blessing, not a bother. So don’t be worried if they wiggle, move or make noise. God loves and accepts you, just as you are – and we do, too.

Service Materials

To make our service easy to follow, most of the material you will need is printed in the bulletin that you receive from our ushers as you enter our Sanctuary. In the pews, you will find three books used during the service: the Holy Bible; the Book of Common Prayer (red hard cover); and The Hymnal 1982 (blue hard cover).


The Holy Eucharist (or Communion) is Christ’s eternal banquet. All are invited, without question, to receive the Holy Communion at our Lord’s Table. Following the service, please join us for fellowship and refreshments in the Parish Hall.

Becoming a Member

Please ask for an information sheet at the greeter’s podium when you attend a service. Take a moment to fill it out and return it to us either in the offering plate or to an usher. A member of our Newcomer Ministry can contact you by phone or in person, whichever you prefer.

Church News

In addition to the announcements during service, we offer a weekly e-newsletter to help parishioners keep up-to-date with church events and news. You can request to be added to this mailing list or subscribe online. Please also visit and "like" our Facebook and Twitter pages, which are linked at the bottom of this page.